Night Owl

Midnight Cowboy

Viewed: 17 June 2002
Directed by: John Schlesinger
Listed in: Movies, Netflix

Well that was depressing. I’m not sure what to make of it. What it all means. Other then it was really depressing in the end. Funny how it ends with Joe looking out the window of the bus not knowing what to do, like The Graduate. Dang. Its not Requiem for a Dream depressing, but depressing all the same. A little less depressing then Dancer in the Dark. Not as raw as either of those. I can’t really think of anything else to write, too down. Ok well the scene at the party was definitely too much. Heh man, uppers or downers? Woah, I’ll lick the sweat off of you. Haha, look at the funny trippy hippies. Male prostitution seems to involve a lot of homosexuality. I suppose that is the reason Midnight Cowboy is known. Its unfiltered view of NYC, and prostitution. Reminded me of Requiem and The Basketball Diaries, which of course follow.

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