Night Owl

Raging Bull

Viewed: 09 July 2002
Directed by: Martin Scorsese
Listed in: Movies, Netflix

Without realizing it I’m watching alot of Martin Scorsese. Well very slowly. I guess I do buy into the auteur theory. Quickly looking at his filmography, Last Temptation of Christ, defiantly the best. Anyway, raging bull was very good. Shot in black and white, though I wanted the image to be that much crisper. Blame Touch of Evil. It kinda of entertained me. I’m not much for boxing flicks, they all seem to be the same story; Boxer makes way up rankings, some trouble before he reaches the top, hits the peak, and falls to the lowest lows of his life. That and throw in trouble with the wife and infidelity. Its funny how much a gangster film it becomes, a setting like the Bronx in the 40’s and Martin Scorsese I what else should I have expected?

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