Night Owl

A Night To Remember

Viewed: 06 April 2005
Directed by: Roy Ward Baker
Listed in: Movies, Netflix

The sinking of the Titanic is presented straightforward in close to real time. I assume unlike Titanic (which I’ve never seen) A Night to Remember spends its time with the captains and officer of various ships, in the telegraph room on the boat deck, in the backroom with the ships designer. The passengers are shown but never really given much of a role. It seems very British, with this loyalty to hierarchy and separation of classes, even the superiority of the first class passengers. Its interesting as it spends most of the time with the crew as the ship is sinking; the films depiction is only 40 minutes shorter then the real thing. It’s also nice that it covers all the bases without resorting to romantic subplots, it stays by the book.

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